History and Political Science

MajorBachelor of Arts
Photo of students in history class

Navigate the past. shAPE THE FUTURE.

The combined major in History and Political Science supplements the study of the decisions that have shaped all the cultures of the world with the study of systems, institutions, popular movements, and leaders that cause social change. Allowing you to specialize in two related fields, combined majors draw on the knowledge and opportunities afforded by two academic departments and fields of study. You will gain access to hands-on participation in research in both departments, and small class sizes allow for direct contact with both departments’ faculty. In addition, the city of Indianapolis boasts a variety of local museums, political institutions, service organizations, and more, providing access to internships, service learning, and research opportunities.

Program Information


This combined program offers an innovative curriculum that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. Sample courses in this program include:

  • HST 101 – An Introduction to History & Anthropology
  • PO 151 – Introduction to Comparative Politics
  • HST 215 – Themes in World History
  • HST 327 – The History of Human Rights
  • PO 322 – State and Local Government and Politics
  • PO 324 – The United States in the Asia Pacific

See all History and Political Science curriculum information

I’m grateful for the emphasis that my Butler education placed on interpersonal communication and the open sharing of ideas.

“I’m grateful for the emphasis that my Butler education placed on interpersonal communication and the open sharing of ideas. And, of course, having the opportunity to live and study in DC for a semester helped me prepare to live and work in this city full-time.”

Annie Faulkner ’23

Photo of Annie Faulkner

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