Anthropology and Psychology

MajorBachelor of Arts
Photo of anthropology student

Twice the exploration. twice the opportunities.

The combined major in Anthropology and Psychology supplements the study of the human condition with the study of the human mind and behavior. Allowing students to specialize in two related fields, combined majors draw on the knowledge and opportunities afforded by two academic departments and fields of study. Students in our program gain access to hands-on participation in research in both departments, and small class sizes allow for direct contact with both departments’ faculty. In addition, the city of Indianapolis boasts a variety of local museums, service organizations, and more, providing access to internships, service learning, and research opportunities.

Program Information


Sample courses in this program include:

  • PS 320 – Life Span Developmental Psychology
  • PS 350 – Social Psychology
  • PS 440 – Psychology of Personality
  • SW 215 – Being Human
  • AN 352 – Ethnography
  • AN 390 – Development of Anthropological Thought

See all Anthropology and Psychology curriculum information

Meet Your Faculty

Headshot of Elise Edwards
Elise Edwards
Professor – Anthropology
Department of History, Anthropology and Classics
My research interests include the history and culture of Japan, the anthropology of sport, the anthropology of science, gender studies, feminist theory, historical anthropology, mass/popular culture, theories of embodiment, urban anthropology, and visual…
View more about Elise Edwards
Headshot of Joel Martin
Joel Martin
Professor – Psychology
Psychology – LAS
I am a Clinical Psychologist and I study: subclinical & preclinical versions of psychological disorders; reasoning & psychopathology; clinical judgment & decision making; stigma of mental illness; treatment outcome; substance disorders.
Headshot of Jennifer Berry
Jennifer Berry
Associate Professor Psychology
Psychology – LAS
Jennifer Berry earned a B.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky, with a concentration in Behavioral Neuroscience and Psychopharmacology. She routinely teaches learning, biological basis of behavior, research methods and statistics, and a seminar…
View more about Jennifer Berry

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