Xianming Han

Professor - Physics, Physics and Astronomy - LAS

Location: JH-239

Email: xhan@butler.edu

Phone: 317-940-9873

Ph.D., 1989, University of Colorado, Boulder.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Physics, 1989-1991, University of Idaho, Moscow.

Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor, 1991-present, Butler University, Indianapolis.

Recent teaching duties:

NW 262-PH Physical World, usually taught every semester and summer I.

PH 351 Analog electronics, usually taught in the fall semester.

PH 303 Electromagnetic Waves and Optics, usually taught in the spring semester.

Research interests:

Eclipsing binary star systems: their sizes, temperatures, periods, mass transfer, magnetic activities.

Asteroids: their rotations and shapes through photometry.

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