Ronia Hawash

Associate Professor of Economics, Economics, Business Law, Finance - LSB

Location: LSB-306


Phone: 317-940-9528

Dr. Ronia Hawash is an Associate Professor of Economics in the Lacy School of Business. Dr. Hawash holds a B.A. in Economics from Cairo University (Egypt); an M.A. in Economics from the American University in Cairo (Egypt); and a Ph.D. in Economics from Indiana University (Indianapolis). Her primary teaching areas are Microeconomics, Economic Development, Health Economics, and Econometrics. Dr. Hawash’s main areas of research are focused on socioeconomic problems in developing countries including poverty, inequality, poor health and education outcomes, political conflict and refugees, and climate change. Her research has been published in Applied Economics, Journal of Social Entrepreneurship,  International Journal of Happiness and Development, Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Eurasian Economic Review, International Journal of Development and Conflict, Social Business, and Journal of the Knowledge Economy. 

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