Mohammad Patwary

Assistant Professor - Statistics, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Location: JH


Phone: 317-940-8872

Dr. Mohammad Shaha A. Patwary is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Actuarial Science at Butler University. Before completing his M.S. degree in Applied Statistics from Minnesota State University, Mankato, Dr. Patwary completed his Bachelor of Science and M.S. degree from the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh. He received his Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Texas at Dallas. Dr. Patwary's research interests focus on but are not limited to inferential statistics, statistical modeling, applied statistics, and P-reduction in big data. Dr. Patwary also likes mentoring students and offering statistical consultation to faculties. He also has a background in collaborative research.   

Before joining Butler, he was actively engaged with teaching and research at the University of Texas at Dallas, Minnesota State University-Mankato, University of Chittagong (Bangladesh), Bangladesh University of Professionals, Bangladesh University of Business and Technology. 

Since his joining at Butler, Dr. Patwary taught Nonparametric Statistical Methods, Design of Experiments, and Elementary Statistics courses. 

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