Jane Siegler

Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Analytics, Lacy School of Business

Location: LSB-423

Email: jsiegler@butler.edu


Dr. Janaina Siegler, or simply Jane, is an Associate Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Analytics at the Lacy School of Business, Butler University. She holds a Ph.D. in Operations and Supply Chain Management from FGV in Brazil and Indiana University, Indiana. As a college professor for more than fifteen years, Jane has taught thousands of undergraduates and graduates in Brazil, the U.S., India, and Europe. As a consultant and an entrepreneur herself, Jane has had the opportunity to live and breathe the challenges of the concepts she teaches. Because of her background, Jane is a firm believer that “to teach business to future business leaders, one must engage with the business, both in our backyard and around the world”. She has actively engaged the business community in her academic and professional research aiming to leverage and share the knowledge created together between academia and the businesses, for the business community, and for business students. Her research interests include supply chain resiliency, buyer and supplier relationships, business clusters, and technologies related to supply chain management. Dr. Siegler has a special collaboration with the automotive and logistics industry in the US Midwest. She has presented her research at over 80 conferences in different parts of the world and her research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as the IJPE, RAC, and IJLSM, IJPDLM among others. Over the last five years, she has been honored with 8 best paper awards, 1 runner-up, 1 best conference discussant award, and 2 industry awards for the impact of her research on the broader community. Not included on that count are also seven media appearances. 

Jane is a proud mother of two Butler graduates – Go Dawgs! - and has two little ones at home. She loves to travel and in her free time, she enjoys hanging out with her dogs, her loved ones, going out for runs, and being in contact with nature.

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