Jenny Cox
Lecturer Mathematics, Department of Mathematical Sciences
Jenny Cox is a Lecturer in the Mathematical Sciences Department at Butler University. She has a passion for teaching students mathematics, working as a mathematics teacher at both the high school and collegiate levels for 19 years. Prior to joining the Butler faculty, Jenny was a mathematics teacher at Herron High School and then University High School. She has also worked in both the Mathematics and Mathematics Education departments at Indiana University.
Jenny received her Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from the University of Southern Indiana in 2005, her Masters of Arts in Mathematics from Indiana University in 2007, and Doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction – Mathematics Education at Indiana University in 2022. Her current research is focused on reducing mathematics anxiety and inclusive inquiry practices. Her research interests also include equitable practices surrounding high-stakes assessments and supporting girls in STEM.
Jenny lives in Franklin with her husband Ryan and three children. When she is not teaching mathematics, she enjoys running, reading at all hours, and cheering on her children in their various sporting events.
- Neatrour-McGlasson Fellowship, Indiana University
- Faculty Fellowship, Indiana University
- Inaugural Audrey Lupton Community Award, University High School
- Rothrock Teaching Award for Associate Instructors, Indiana University
• Cox, J. & Ataide Pinheiro, W. (2024). Advancing
equitable and responsible research involving gender and sexuality within
mathematics education. The Educational Forum.
• Cox, J., Kaschner, S., & Krohn, M. (2024). An Intervention to Support Students
Placed Below Introductory Coursework. PRIMUS, 1-17.
• Cox, J. (2022). Compliance, competitiveness, and confidence: Investigating patterns in mathematics anxiety using a nuanced view of gender. [Doctoral dissertation, Indiana University]. doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.28147.60963
• Burch, L., Tillema, E., Cox, J., Yavuz, S., & Sianturi, I. (2021). Productive
mathematical meanings as a guide to analyzing algebra textbooks. In Olanoff,
D., Johnson, K., & Spitzer, S.M. (Eds). In Productive Struggle: Persevering
Through Challenges: Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of the North American
Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Philadelphia. http://www.pmena.org/pmenaproceedings/PMENA 43 2021 Proceedings.pdf
• Cox, J. & Jacobson, E. (2020). Mathematics anxiety as a mediator for gender
differences in 2012 PISA mathematics scores. In Sacristán, A. & Cortés, J.,
(Eds.). Mathematics Education Across Cultures: Proceedings of the 42nd Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, México. doi.org/10.51272/pmena.42.2020
• Cox, J. (2019). A focus on factoring: Taking the difficulty out of Algebra students’ least favorite topic. Indiana Mathematics Teacher, Indiana Council of Teachers
of Mathematics (ICTM), 18-21.
• Cox, J. & Enk, C. (2024, February 20). Equitable Adjustments to Indiana Department of Education Accountability Scores: Which Schools Truly Scored an A? Hoosier Association of Science Teachers Incorporated and Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (HASTI-ICTM) Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
• Ataide Pinheiro, W., Cox, J., Phelps, R., Cherry Shive, E., Cruz, J. (2024, July
7-14). Towards justice in mathematics education regarding gender and sexuality.
[Paper Presentation]. 15th International Congress on Mathematics Education,
Sydney, Australia.
• Childers, G., Ataide Pinheiro, W., Cox, J., Lynn, R. (2024, July 7-14). A quantitative examination of 2SLGBTQIA+ US students' mathematical experiences in high school. [Paper Presentation]. 15th International Congress on Mathematics Education, Sydney, Australia.
• Cox, J. (2023, February 14). Compliance, Competitiveness, and Confidence: Investigating Gendered Patterns in Mathematics Anxiety. Hoosier Association of Science Teachers Incorporated and Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics (HASTI-ICTM) Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
• Cox, J. (2022, November 3). Gendered Patterns in Mathematics Anxiety and Ongoing Mathematics Education Research. Invited Presentation for Butler’s ICTM/NCTM chapter. Indianapolis, Indiana.
• Cox, J. (2021, September 25). Increasing the Cognitive Demand of Questions to Support Student Success on the SAT and ACT. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) National Conference. [conference canceled]
• Cox, J. (2021, April 23). Flying Birds and Ferris Wheels: Precalculus Activities for Conceptual Understanding. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) National Conference. [Recorded presentation after in-person conference was
• Cox, J. (2020, April 28 & May 6). My Summer SAT Study: Common Misconceptions and Misgivings from our Students [Webinar].
• Cox, J. (2020, April). Key connections between mathematics curriculum and the SAT. Presentation. Presentation at the Centennial National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) National Conference, Chicago, Illinois. [Conference canceled]
• Cox, J. (2020, March 16, 18, & 20). Engaging mathematics students at a level of
high cognitive demand, even in E-Learning environments [Three-part webinar
series]. ICTM Members Helping Members. The Indiana Council of Teachers of
• Cox, J. (2020, March 6). Rigorous work in the best courses: The use of the SAT as a graduation requirement and implications for underserved students. Presentation at the Indiana Mathematics Educators Research Symposium (IMERS), Indianapolis, Indiana.
• Cox, J. (2019, October 29). Building connections and breaking down rules in the Precalculus classroom. Presentation at the Indiana Council of Teachers of
Mathematics (ICTM) Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
• Cox, J. (2019, March 1). Queries in quadratic equations: Historical and curricular developments. Presentation at the Curriculum and Instruction Research and Creative Activities Symposium (CIRCAS), Bloomington, Indiana.
• Cox, J. (2019, February 15). Queries in quadratic equations: Historical and curricular developments. Presentation at the Indiana Mathematics Education Research Symposium (IMERS), Indianapolis, Indiana.
• Cox, J. (2017, November 10). Educational games and activities for the mathematics classroom. Presentation at the Independent School Association of the Central States (ISACS) Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
Memberships and Affiliations
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Indiana Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Hoosier Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators