Zhihong Chen

Professor - Computer Science, Computer Science and Software Engineering - LAS

Location: JH-288

Email: chen@butler.edu

Phone: 317-940-6540

Zhihong Chen is a professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering at Butler University. He earned a bachelor’s degree in 1982 and a master degree in 1985, both are in Mathematics from South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, P R. China. He came to the U.S. in 1985 to work for his Ph.D. degree. He received his Ph.D. in Mathematics as well as two more master degrees, one in Computer Science and one in Mathematics from Wayne State University, Michigan. His primary research area is in Graph theory. Besides his over 30 years’ experience in academia, he has also worked on a CAD software (Computer Aid Design) used by auto companies and software for pollution analysis funded by the Department of Energy.  His research publication can be found at: https://blue.butler.edu/~chen/ChenPaper.htm

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