Brian Day

Associate Professor Psychology, Psychology - LAS

Location: JH-193


Phone: 317-940-2007

Areas of Expertise:

Human Experimental Psychology:

                Visual Depth Perception in real and virtual environments

                Perception of Affordances

                Human Factors and Applied Psychology

                Cognitive Psychology

                Direct Perception and Ecological Psychology

    History and Theories of Psychology


Ph.D., Human Factors Psychology, Clemson University, Clemson, SC (2017).

M.S., Cognitive and Behavioral Sciences, Illinois State University, Normal, IL (2014).

B.A., Double major in Psychology and History, with honors, Denison University, Granville, OH (2012).

Classes Taught:

Introductory Psychology (SW 250)

Research Methods and Statistics I (PS 210)

Research Methods and Statistics II (PS 211)

Biological Bases of Behavior (PS 235)

Sensation and Perception (PS 404)

History of Psychology (PS 420)

Advanced Seminar in Applied Psychology - Human Factors (PS 479)

Careers in Psychology (PS 105)

First Year Seminar - Human Factors and the Design of Your Life (FYS 101 and FYS 102)


CATBUS consultant (May 2016 – May 2019): As part of this experience I was tasked with analyzing data regarding Clemson Area Transit, presenting the findings to city leaders, and compiling the results to be used in reports for a federal government funding agency.

LMX concierge website (October 2015 – October 2016): Consulted for a local business designed to facilitate goal achievement.  Worked with a team to construct a user friendly website to help grow the business.  Primary duties included performing tasks analyses, heuristic evaluations, paper prototyping, user testing, and implementing new webpage designs.

US Engine Valve (April 2016 – August 2016): As part of my experience on this team my primary functions were to act as a quality check after each phase of work, and to draft, refine, and edit the final report and presentation to company leaders regarding the results of numerous task analyses and ergonomic recommendations to improve workspace design, worker safety, and worker efficiency. My secondary functions were to provide guidance and feedback to the project team during the task analysis and recommendation phase.

At Illinois State, I served as the graduate assistant in the University Assessment Services department, where I produced and distributed surveys designed to gather knowledge about various aspects of the University.  I was also tasked with analyzing and presenting the data produced by the survey assessments.

Attended the Advanced Training Institute on Nonlinear Methods in Data Analysis, at the University of Cincinnati during the summer of 2013.

Professional Memberships:

American Psychological Association

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society

Psychonomic Society

International Society for Ecological Psychology

Psi Chi

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