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Turn your creativity into a career.

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Inspire conversations, culture, and creativity.

The arts have the power to shape and reshape our world. They illuminate cultural shifts, inspire innovative thinking, and push boundaries by design. It’s a place to put your passion into practice—and at Butler, we’ll help you turn that practice into a profession. 

On our campus, you’ll join a community of artists from all disciplines, collaborating in over 300 productions, performances, creative programs, and exhibitions each year. You’ll have the flexibility to choose your own path—whether that’s double majoring, studying abroad, or participating in campus activities and organizations—all while being immersed in Indianapolis’ thriving arts scene.

Studying the arts can lead directly into careers in multiple creative industries, including visual arts, performing arts, film, design, literature, and more. Bring your artistic spark into a variety of environments such as galleries, museums, theaters, studios, and digital platforms.

At Butler, our faculty members are nationally recognized, providing you with conservatory-level instruction as you follow a path of your own making. It’s not uncommon for Butler students to double major across a wide-range of disciplines, opening opportunities to bring their creative thinking to unexpected places and industries. From developing powerful visuals to shaping social dialogue, Butler can help you turn your passion into a profession.

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Careers in the Arts

Our graduates find professional success in theatres, studios, classrooms, businesses, nonprofits, and beyond. These are just a few of many examples of jobs in the arts.

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Your pixels are your paintbrush.

Graphic designers turn words, images, colors, and illustrations into cohesive pieces of content to tell a compelling story. They offer an invaluable eye for aesthetics paired with an instinct for strong messaging that make them in high demand regardless of the industry.

Curate your career.

Arts administrators are more than support staff—they are crucial players in the creation of powerful art experiences. Whether they are managing operations, overseeing budgets, or facilitating fundraising efforts, they are the engine behind every arts organization and gallery.

You take audiences to other worlds.

The art of acting has changed minds, hearts, and cultural tides since the earliest eras of human history. Performers know that stages and scripts are not only storytelling tools—they are unique catalysts for dialogue that few other mediums can achieve.

You harness the power of physical form.

Fine artists possess a deep wisdom of how space, time, matter, light, and other elements combine to create an impact. Whether their craft consists of drawing, sculpture, ceramics, textiles, or a blend of these and beyond, fine artists are the architects of experiences.

Photo of students at the Indiana State Museum

Art requires hands-on experience.

Our student artists don’t limit their time to the studio—they bring their craft into the real world by securing local and international internships.

Photo of Clowes Memorial Hall at Butler University

Create among the greats.

Butler’s Arts and Events Center boasts seven venues which host over 300 performances and exhibitions annually. Surround yourself with internationally renowned artists, scholars, and performers through these opportunities and our JCA Signature Series.

Your pathway to artistic excellence.

“A career in the arts is gratifying, fills the soul, and connects the artist and their audiences with what it means to be a human being. Our top-tier programs in Art, Dance, Music, Theatre, and Arts Administration provide rigorous training in a nourishing, student-centered environment, and many allow for a secondary major or minor which provides students the opportunity for a rich education. JCA faculty are working artists who understand the rigors of the profession and guide their students and alumni towards career and personal success.”

Diane Timmerman
Professor of Theatre

Photo of Diane Timmerman at Butler University


Whatever path you’re interested in pursuing, there’s a place for you at Butler.


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