Music Industry Studies

Program Information
Sample courses in this program include:
- MI 107 – Music Skills for Industry Professionals
- MI 201 – Audio Production
- MI 452 – Entertainment Media and the Law
- MI 222 – History of the Music industry
- MI 252 – Theories and Techniques of Sound Recording
- MH 308 – Music in Global Contexts
- MH 408 – History and Literature of Jazz
Learning Outcomes
The Music Industry Studies program is designed to prepare students for managing a wide spectrum of creative enterprises. As a student, you can expect the following learning outcomes:
Discuss the music industry and its historical, cultural and economic aspects.
Gather information through appropriate methods.
Communicate information to audiences and use communication technology effectively.
Demonstrate team building, collaboration and leadership.
Apply professional, ethical and legal standards in the field.
Music Industry Studies major Katerina Anderson and a friend started The B-Side, a local nonprofit radio station.
“We use our platform to introduce Indy to new artists and songs they may not have discovered otherwise. I would not be on my current academic track without the help of faculty in the Music Industry Studies major.”

Music Industry Studies FAQs
Whatever path you’re interested in pursuing, there’s a place for you at Butler.